Laser Scanning

Racers navigate around racetracks by means of sight-pictures, following the racing line and timing their inputs of steering, throttle and brake by a series of mental images. These images, like frames in a movie filmed from an in-car camera, are detailed, driver's-eye views that correspond to specific points within a lap.

Creating a proprietary track-building process that integrates three-dimensional laser scanning technology, has pioneered a method for replicating those sight-pictures more accurately and more completely than any other simulation ever has.

Equally important as the visual references are the physical attributes of the racing surface. The laser scanning produces a series of "point clouds" that capture the three-dimensional profile of the asphalt and adjacent curbing, including road camber, cracks, undulations and patches, all with millimeter precision. Combine this hyper-accurate "bump map," with the true-to-life sight-pictures and you have a driving experience so authentic that each lap driven in simulation is as valid as a lap driven in real-world, on-track testing.

More technology:
Physics Engine | Vehicle Modeling Techniques