A Tool for Professionals and the Next Generation of Motorsport

Partnership Benefits
The benefits to partnership with are limitless: leveraging an existing investment in motorsport, strengthening bonds with existing motorsport audiences, broadening the reach of performance brands to new audiences via an interactive and engaging experience, demonstrating vehicle capabilities in a way more convenient to consumers, and, of course, expanding and enhancing a modern, tech-savvy, performance-oriented brand image.

Market Opportunity
With the unparalleled accuracy and authenticity of its racing simulations, and its position of influence within the new and growing sport of simracing,'s primary audience is the global motorsport market, including professional and amateur drivers, engineers and other industry professionals, as well as racing fans around the world. Within North America, that market includes an estimated 451,000 active participants with a median household income of $98,500 and well-established brand loyalty. But's reach extends well beyond the racing enthusiast and the confines of the North American continent.

As viewership for traditional, television-based entertainment continues to fragment and decline, the popularity of interactive, broadband-enabled entertainment is on the rise. Last year 1.4 million people spent $344 million for online gaming subscriptions, and Massively Multi-Player Online Games (MMOGs) have attracted an estimated 25 30 million participants worldwide. Sports Sims will soon replace the traditional passive TV sports audience experience, redefining what "sports entertainment" is at its core.

Importantly, the PC-gamer profile more closely resembles the motorsport demographic than it does the commonly held stereotypes. The average gamer is 33 years old, 44 percent are between 18 and 49, and 69 percent of American heads of households play computer and video games. Average household income is $71,400.

Contact Information
For more information about partnership opportunities with Motorsport Simulations, please contact:

Divina Galica
Director, Partner Relations

Scott McKee
Vice president, Marketing