Vehicle Modeling Techniques

Most racing video games, as well as the handful of software packages that could be considered racing simulations, have progressed to the point where the cars look real. The question is: Do they feel real? Realistic driving dynamics start with accurate data. That is why works closely with major auto manufacturers and racecar constructors to gather exact masses and dimensions for vehicle components, whether outputted directly from CAD data or collected through three-dimensional laser scanning, as well as physical disassembly of the vehicle to weigh and measure parts of the chassis, suspension and driveline.

But in the same way that a racecar is not just a collection of parts, an accurate simulation is not just an assembly of data. Both are active and dynamic. Thanks to the physics engine, that data comes alive. It is no longer just a graphical representation of a stockcar, formula car or sports car. It is now a complex set of interrelated, mechanical systems influencing a myriad of ever-changing forces to control physical consequences. It feels real because, mathematically, it is real.

More technology:
Physics Engine | Laser Scanning